Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Day...... Early

Due to the fact that I have to work on Christmas Eve, we celebrated our family Christmas this morning. We had breakfast with Santa yesterday morning at Bass Pro Shop and the boys asked Santa if he could come to our house last night due to the fact that I have to work and then we are heading to Iowa to celebrate with Rick's family and then to Nebraska to celebrate with my mom and dad. Well it worked Santa dropped off the boy's presents and the very cool laptop that I'm using right now for Rick, Dillon and myself..... it's sooooo cool!:) Derrick and Connor both got the hand held leapsters that they wanted plus games to go with it, headphones to use with the leapsters.... which Rick and I thank SANTA for thinking about, now we don't have to listen to competing leapsters noises. Dillon got the both the boys Nerf guns, so all afternoon I have been ducking nerf bullets...... whew! missed me!
We've all had a lazy day, we've all stayed in our pj's and have watched two movies: You Don't Mess With The Zohan (very funny movie) and The Dark Knight. I'm getting ready to watch Mama Mia.
I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!